Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Habits Students Need to Develop Before They Start College

4 Habits Students Need to Develop Before They Start College San Diego College Tutoring Tips: Develop These Four Habits Before Starting College High school students will have learned a number of study habits that helped them thrive in their classes for the last four years. They had the guidance of teachers and tutors to help them be successful and prepare to apply for college. Students have worked incredibly hard in order to gain admission to a great college, but now all the rules have changed, and they will start out with a blank slate once they arrive on campus. One of the most difficult things for students to do is adjust their study habits to whats appropriate at the college level. Students will have more freedom and control over their schedule, but this will also require greater responsibility our private San Diego college tutors are here to help you prepare for college. 1. College-level time management Managing time in college is very different than the heavily structured environment that high school students experience. For the most part, high school students are guided by their teacher each step of the way and given short-term due dates. For example, the rough draft of their paper is due next week, the final draft is due two weeks from now, and the outline is due tomorrow. In college, however, students are given a date three or four weeks from now when their entire paper needs to be completed. Students who are not used to managing their own time will often struggle to get things done on time and end up pulling an all-nighter which can be stressful and result in a lower quality assignment. 2. Maintaining a balance Most college freshmen have trouble maintaining a healthy work-life balance. They are not used to college-level assignments and have the most freedom theyve ever had in their life thus far. Many students find that they spend all of their time working and dont have any time to get to know new people or participate in campus activities. Other students may spend all of their time socializing and forget about work altogether. This can put students at risk of dropping out or being forced to repeat classes in future semesters. Its important to talk about how to maintain a healthy balance before arriving on campus so that students experience an easier transition (READ: Orange County SAT Tutor Tips: The Summer SAT). 3. Personal finance Once students enter college, they will become responsible for their own finances. This can be exciting and scary at the same time. A portion of college students will have learned how to manage money at some level by working at a job while they were in high school but others will be earning their own money for the very first time. College freshman will also be responsible for making sure that their savings last them through the end of the term and that they are able to borrow money responsibly, if necessary, to pay their tuition and fees. Its essential for students to learn the basics of personal finance before heading off to college on their own. 4. Broadening your horizons College is also an opportunity for students to get to know people from many different places, take classes about things theyve always been interested in, and get involved in the general college community. Many students want to stay within their own social circle, especially if they are attending their local college, and never move away from their comfort zone. Although it can be helpful to be around familiar things during the initial transition, college students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and learn about new subjects, cultures, and potential career options, so they have more doors open for their future. Prepare for your first year in college with the help of a San Diego college tutor this summer. Call us today for more details. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

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